Sad Death of Freedom and Creativity

Shackled all as we know
Burned to the ground, black as snow
Ash falls from the ground though
And clouds land on the sky like we know
We don't know where to go
Freedom dead as we know

Here lies the grave of poor Freedom
Freedom died due to imprisonment
And everyone is sad Freedom died except
The people who killed Freedom
Those people are laughing
These people are crying
Because Freedom is dying

Now Creativity died too
Now these people don't know what to do
Controlled by mainstream is what they are
Now they are robots shooting stars

I look around me in the world of lame
I see everybody is quite the same
They look up to people drowning in fame
When actually all of that is a stupid game

I look around as the people talk
All about the same things and they have a similar walk
They love the same music, which is only one kind
Let's put all of this in the player and rewind


I look around at the girls sitting on the floor
Staring at a TV screen, brains shrinking more
A skinny girl with everything fake is on the screen
Words beside her telling people this is how the perfect woman should be
So now all the girls are being like that one woman on TV
Killing Freedom and Creativity
Which are the best of friends to you and me
People now love Fame and Popularity
But down the road, those things lack mindful quality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it <3