
The light always
Reveals the shadow
For what it really is.

A fight always
Ends in victory
For the good that's within.

The sun always
Gives life here on Earth
Its miraculous existence.

After death there are
Forms of rebirth.
Eternal cyclical creation.

The world always
In bouts of conflict and peace.
Evolution, reincarnation.

A soul always
Lives on, while the body remains.
Spirit compensates and the body decays.

The truth always
Within evolving beings.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Verity" (C) xXmariisa23Xx, Mariisa (Marissa Faries)

The title for this poem is the word "verity" and the word itself means "truth". To me it makes sense that if there really is such thing as the soul that it is like all matter and therefore cannot be destroyed and it must go somewhere else while the body decomposes after death.

But basically it's just a poem, so I don't intend any offence (since this is quite my view of the subject the poem is in context of).