
Maybe not the strongest
But I believe us to be strong
Only trying to cling desperately
To hand-holds hidden
Amidst the debris of shattered dreams
And memories crumbling with time

Even when those hand-holds
Are laced with razor edges
And painted a deep crimson red
We still wish to climb them further
Hoping to soon reach the mountain peak
Where luscious green happiness
Sprouts up from the ground

But as we fight our way up
Through pain
And blood
And tears
We only slip and fall
Deeper toward our canyon tombs

And the deeper we fall?
The more that blood-soaked escape
Tempts us
When we are weary
and desperate to go higher

however short the stay in paradise
whatever the price might be
we want it
need it
and more
and more

Because fighting makes us feel real
And the pain seems the only way out
Because we only wish to be stronger

But this isn’t the way
To reach the top