Think...What Would You Do?

Why some people walk by others in need?
by the homeless...
the heartbroken...
the hurt...
the hungry...
the lost children without a home
and lastly the ones who just want someone to know they're there.

You have to watch eople ignore you
day by day
sunrise to sunset
the hours that crawl slowly by
the minutes that go on for hours
and those seconds that seem to haunt you

Do you feel hurt?
Do you feel hate?
Do you feel lonely?
I'll tell you what I feel...
I feel sad, unhappy, hurt, scared, and angry at myself
Ignored, angry at everyone else.
I feel like I screwed up,
I believe I deserve to be who I am now,
I think I should've done something different
That's how I feel...
That's how they all feel...

Why some people walk by others in need?
by the homeless...
the heartbroken...
the hurt...
the hungry...
the lost children without a home
and lastly the ones who just want someone to know they're there.

So think to yourself,
What would you do in that position?
What would you do if you saw or knew someone in that position?
Would you give them a warm meal to eat?
Would you give them a dry place to sleep at night?
How about clean clothing?

Think, Wonder, Believe, and React