
Movement 1:
Life Carefree
Sparkling wide ocean
Optimism Indigo tears
Midnight sky Cold Depressed
Sad Alone

Movement 2:
Spring is in the air
The wide sky above
No one has a care
It’s the freedom I love

Sparkling optimism in the flowing river below
Everything is mellow and relaxed
Watch the peace and happiness flow
As we watch the fluffy clouds on our backs

Movement 3:
Sadness crawls in
Like a thick cool mist on the forest floor
I know I will never win
I am all alone once more

Indigo tears
Swirl with endless shame
There will never be cheer
As my inky midnight sky bursts up in cobalt flames
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem was all about experimenting different ways to write about, and capture the emotions that are associated with a specific color. This piece is written in 2 movements much like a musical piece. Each have to do with the same subject of the color blue, but tell different stories. The first starts as blue being a 'happy' color, and then switches as to how blue can also be a 'sad' color. The second movement focuses on the positive images and feelings blue connotes while the third moevement specifically focuses on the negative images and feelings blue can connote as well. If you read, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEE leave a comment and give me some feedback! I would soo appreciate it :)