You Forgot

I don't know where I am,
I'm not here or there,
But I'm alone,
Everyone forgot to care.

I'd love to remember happiness,
I've tried several ways,
But none of them work,
I wish I remembered those days.

When people saw me,
When I had you,
I think it was amazing,
If only I knew.

Do you remember?
Because I don't,
I need to stop,
But for some reason I won't.

I pushed everyone.
Pushed everyone away,
Why didn't you stop me?
You forgot to say.

You forgot a lot of things,
Like you forgot me,
I'm in darkness now,
I can't see.

Even though you forgot me,
I remember you,
Everything you'd ever say,
Everything you'd do.

But that's all gone now,
And I miss it a lot,
You're the only thing I'll remember,
Even if you just forgot.