Maybe at Sundown

I'll find you at dawn
When your memory rises
With the sun
How cruel, my mind
Always thinking of you
Always thinking
I wish I could sleep

Time doesn't move anymore
Not since the moon decided to fall
When it left us all
Killed us all
Killed you
And fell away

Stars littered your eyes
They didn't call for help
They just watched you there
They stayed there laughing
They were laughing
How cruel

Why didn't you call for help
Why didn't you feel the need
To get up and fight
Or to leave
Didn't you realize
Did you realize
How many would die if you did

I died with you
I cried at your side when you fell
No one can live without their heart
And you took mine with you
You were so selfish
So selfish
And ignored my pleading, my screams

And now I'm left to watch the sun rise
And forget the night
While I never sleep again with you in my mind
And I'll forget everything
So I can move on
I wish I could move on
But it just so hard here without you

Maybe you'll be found at sundown....