Missing Hearts

I search for four leaf clovers
Just so i can give them to you
I wish every chance i get
And set my heart on them coming true

I deny everyone i know
Just so i'l be there when you need me
I make myself invisable
If it hurts you to see

I walk through fire and flames
And freeze in a pool of ice
I ignore everyone else
I believe your lies

I stay home by myself
When i know that your with her
And when i become doubtful
I just think of everything we once were

I bleed with my heart cut open
And smile despite all the pain
I pretend and act so normal
When really im going insane

I close all the curtains
Lock every door
If you dont want me around
Then i wont be anymore

I stand and wait
Loyal and bound
And when someone else wants me
Im not ever around

Im only yours
Waiting for your command
Chained with love
And barely able to stand

And you just leave me
Starving and lying in the dirt
Im the one who will save you
But im the one you will hurt

Sad how pitiful,
A story can be
Even when it comes
To strong little me

Despite how you act
I think i see how you feel
You want everything
But you cant make everyhing real

So i will keep wishing
And you will never come
And i will finally finish
Before you've begun

But one day your gonna need me
And sadly i'l be there
Because we can act like we dont love eachother,
But we're always gonna care

So here i stand chained
And bound by these broken parts
Standing proud and strong
And speaking with Missing Hearts
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like this, sorry its so long, but hopefully its worth your time!:)