
Why are they always tainted red
With the pale form of a monster lingering there
It doesn't mind the cold wind of memories
That blow constantly inside
How can it possibly survive

That monster always lurking
Eating away at my locks and chains
But I need those, doesn't it realize
Without me it also dies
Why does everything always have to be tainted

Is there not one pure thing on this Earth
If nothing else, I could hold on to that
Make these days more bearable
More easy to forget
But no
You're set on haunting me, you monster

There is not only nothing left
But things to owe
Debts to pay for taking my time with life
For sitting here emotionless for far too long
Maybe I got it all wrong
Maybe it's just me who's tainted red
With the blood of everyone who had suffered at my hands

I'll never know, never care
Either way the monster roams
Feeding off of whatever is left
And then soon, I'll be a shell
Hollow, silent, perfectly horrible- wait
Am I that already
There is no one left around to tell me my fears
To tell me that they are real
And this monster of mine
Will never go away

Why is everything so tainted
Is it because of our one desire to make everything in our own image
Is that not the plan
Are we overstaying a welcome brought forth uncertain in the first place
Are we not worth the risk
Have we let even more fierce monster roam free
Did we paint the colors red
And set the sun on fire

Why is everything always tainted red
Memories and the remainders, reminders of days long fought and weary
It must take their strength away, always having to come back
And feed the monster more
What went wrong with humanity
Did we open that box for a little too long
Did we disregard the rules too often
Did we simply not care

No- that's not true
Not even for real monsters
Someone cares enough
Someone is standing tall and challenging everything they can
They're making their sacrifices
But will it ever be enough

Why is everything so tainted
Why are monsters bred
Is there no longer hope for us creatures
We, the creatures
Are the true monsters
Other things unimaginable
We are killers
Tainted red