The worthless ones..

I walk around listening to music filled with emotion and truth.
Yet, the others say,"That's too boring or dull"
Somehow I know they will never rule or amount to anything,
Struting around like abig shot with money to blow.
I'll get an education and think higher something worth show-

I eat good food others say "thats nasty or weird'
It is healthy and tastes good.
They only judge a book by it's cover.

Those are the worthless, insoverign, and crude'
Those are the ones who choose a life with the rude.
But hence; it's not their ugly fault-they were brought up that way.
In the street, taught to beg, be crude,and use.
They were taught to lie, steal, never a positive word.

You can find that group of people everywhere
The women on the street corners in the night begging for lust.
Or with a dominant male who chooses to abuse them.
A 'relationship' with no trust.

The children are stealing,failing school,harassing.
They beg for food since they were brought up with none.
But I admit to myself I would hate to be one.

The men are abusive,stealing,yelling,haveing s.e.x with someone.
Must fit in. Must fit in. Big fancy cars, wheels. clothes and shoes.
Not a dime to his sad looking wife.

I am one of the few who thinks we must take a stand.
We are not spoiled, come from wealth, snobs.
But we are not ignorant, brains are on a head-not fried by meth.
We come from nothing but we must take a stand.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I offend, too bad.
I have spoken my mind.