Never Know

It only took one mistake
For everything to go so wrong
The windows were rolled down,
You were playing your favorite song
My hair was blowing in my face
My feet were on the dash
You were laughing at my singing
There was no warning of the crash
We looked eachother in the eyes
Knowing there was nothing we could do
My mind was playing back a million memories
Your voice echoing "I love you"
So many things we wanted
So many dreams we had
So many times we got in fights
And made each other mad
So many times we laughed together
So many tears we cried
So many things we wanted to do
Before we left and died
So many days were wasted
On work instead of play
So many things we would have done
Knowing it was our last day
We never know the moment
Of when our time will come
We never know exacly when
Our lives will be done