Never Ending Cycle

As she begins to think about anything and everything all at once,

But at the same time nothing at all?
There are so many emotions
Running through her veins.

It feels like her body is being
Thrown around in the sea
Its always like this she start off being happy

Then she goes to sad, to pissed, to depressed, to
Everyother emoitional state there possibily is.

Everytime she takes a step forward
And things are going ok.
Something has to knock her back two steps
And into a hole she falls
She thinks to herself that she should just stay in that hole.
So that she can just fade away...
Just fade away like all the good things around her.

But no, fate wont allow that to happen.
Once again something brings her out of that hole.
Makes her want to live and move forward.
Thus the cycle continues.