
Why am I this way?
Why am I me?

Why am I me?

Why am I painfully shy?
So self conscious
Why do I feel depressed?

I have a decent life
Perfect friends
A mother who sacrifices everything for me

Is it because of the past?
The things I remember?

Yelling, fighting, screaming

Is that why I loathe my father?
Is that why I wish my last name were Jenkins?

Did I lose some part of me moving around?
Is that when
and how
my shyness took effect?

Is that why I don’t express?
Why I over think everything,
or not think them through at all?

I know no one’s perfect.
No one’s even close.
But shouldn’t I try?

Why Is This Me?
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is probably not PG-13 but since I'm a teenager, I mark it just in case