Sometimes, You Make Me Feel Worthless

Am I too boring for you?
Is that why you ignore me?
If I’m so boring, why do you fight over who loves me more?
If I’m that unimportant, why are we friends?

I feel out of all of us, I’m last on your list.
Why is that?

I’ve always been by your side to help you!
Is that not enough?
Do I need to do more than constantly worry about you?
Always show that I care even when I’m mad and we’re in a fight...

Is it because I’m just not enough anymore?
You make me search my whole damn head to figure out my feelings!

If you don’t spend anytime on me, why should I spend this time on you?!
And I hope you read this poem,
so I can lie and say it’s not about you.

Because I care enough for you not to worry.
What do you think about that?