Love never waits


Just love me because I cant stop thinking of you.
Why won't you love me I want you, I need you.
You're the only one I dream of.
You're the only one I love.
And you just leave me to wait for you...
Time doesn't stop for love, so why should I?

I had wished for your love,
Why waste the time.
I had dreamed for your love,
Still wasting my time.
I wanted to love you forever,
But now forever has become never.
Love is lost, you're too late,
Because love and I, we don't wait

I must let you go,
My heart says no.
My life is your death,
but your love is my breath.
I'm still waiting for you...
Only to be broken by the truth

You hate me,
I know.
You shun me
I know
I still want to love you forever.
Forever continues to be never.
Love is me,
I am no one
Forget about me.
And forget about love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Orignally made by my cousin Kayla.
I didn't know where to put it, so if it's in
the wrong section sorry people(: