
We walked along the dusty way
With the breeze beginning to blow
Sun to our backs and our smiles lit
And with nothing else to do-
We stopped to watch the clover grow

Legs in the air with the gentle breeze
Elbows in the grass with the gentle sun
Everything going by at pace
Steady, as slow as the day could go
But we didn't mind
We stopped to watch the clover grow

And laughter rand threw the hillsides
As the children were out to play
By the singing river's flow
As the white sheets fluttered in the wind
And mothers sang lullabies
We stopped to watch the clover grow

The sights of the setting sun aglow
Stirred our eyes away
We saw how the colors lingered
As they mixed in with oncoming night
And as the stars peeked out, one by one as
We stopped to watch the clover grow

Crickets had woken to sing- to sing
And wake us from our wonder
We rose to our feet and started home
We shall get some rest tonight
And tomorrow
We'll stop to watch the clover grow