I Was Enchanted to Meet You

I lay alone in my bed at night:
Single duvet,
Single pillow,
Single body,
Single bed.
I'm on my own, thinking
Because I'm waiting on you;
Waiting for you to call,
Hoping for you to call,
Longing for you to call.
I need you here,
Laughing with me -
Holding me close and warm and tight.
No more loneliness.
No more wishing and hoping and
Dreaming about
All that we could do
All that we could be
All that I could say.
I think with you I could be someone:
A lover, a fighter, a winner, creator.
So many things
We could only do together
As friends and as lovers.
I never knew;
I never thought;
I never considered the possiblities
Of what I could achieve.
I thought I could make it
On my own.
But when you came
When you jumped
When you ran
Into my shambles of a life
You made it brighter.
All of the things you brought with you
When you charged
Into my life.
But I think I let you down;
I chose someone else
A long time before you
Do I stay for love?
Maybe all are true. I don't know.
But they're not here.
They're not you.
Let's go.
Let's run.
Let's fly.
We'll fly to a place
Where no one knows our faces
Or names
Or voices
Or lives.
But you wouldn't leave her.
What does she have that I don't have?
Your heart, for starters.
She has someone she wants
And who wants her
And she has you.
She doesn't want you,
But she has you.
You'd cry for her
Lie for her
Die for her.
But why not me?
Why aren't I good enough?
Why aren't I smart enough?
Why aren't I hot enough?
I never cared before.
I was always relatively content
With all that I was
And all that I am.
But I don't know anymore.
I don't know who I am.
I don't know if I like who I am.
Maybe if I looked like her,
Thought like her,
Spoke like her,
Smiled like her.
It could be jealousy
Or me wanting something that I can't have
As usual.
Or, maybe I really do need you.
Maybe you should be here,
Making this night better and
Less lonely.
Makng it a
Double duvet,
Double pillow,
Double body,
Double bed.
It could be just me
Or maybe I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest. Poem. Ever.
I'm actually quite proud of this little one.
It took a lot out of me.
Lots of emotion.
Enjoy - R&R, people!