The Dragonfly Queen

Prestigiously she sat as the frogs began to sing.
Beautifully her wings flapped while she smiled tenderly, sweetly.
She loved the weather in the early summer twilight,
along with soft breezes of cool and gentle air.

Her life seemed to fit when she was all alone.
The feel of self-purpose was always so strong, while
the sad of the world just melted to the stars.

Yet, in the morn it would creep back in
when she least expected that saddening thing of life.
Humans intruded or dragonflies go missing in mid-darkness.

She did her best at all the rest, happily helping
those less fortunate, for she was their queen of all
the unseen, and planned to do them the correct justice.

The beauty sat as the frogs began to sing,
savoring every moment of the peaceful twilight mid-darkness.