Ode to The Movies

I absolutely love movies
They are fun,
And there’s so many different kinds,
You can just see every type of scenario.

My favorite are comedies
I also like
Sometimes Thrillers too.

I do NOT like Horror movies
They scare me.

I love it when you know you’re going to go see a movie
You have something to look forward to
for the rest of the day.

You buy your tickets,
go in
Race to the back of the theater
or the middle
whichever you prefer.

You sit down in the comfy chair and relax
Watching the commercials you’ve seem to become familiar with
while at the theaters.

You watch as the trailers begin
and the lights dim
You know the main feature is about to start.

It’s so magical
Watching the people act up on the screen
Wondering if one day,
you’ll be just like those people.

You wait as the credits begin to scroll,
checking to make sure you knew the people
in the movie.

You stand to leave and wave one final goodbye to the
silver screen
In your car you go as you travel back home

You sit and remember the movie(s)
you had just seen

And you can’t wait until the next time you do it again.