Writing a Narrative

Ali sat down to her desk
But distracted by ‘Burlesque’
She could not complete her task.

Ali could not find her muse
Searching made her quite confused
Each one she found she’d refuse.

Ali thought she couldn’t write
Each thing she typed didn’t quite
Inspire her so she quit.

Ali knew her choice was wrong
She only needed a song
She only needed it long.

Ali again sat to type
She wanted her feelings ripe
Like smoke when it’s from a pipe.

Ali got her meter set
Seven syllables, you bet
And her rhyme scheme was down pat.

‘What to write about?’ she thought
She had an idea caught
But when writing nothing bought.

‘Maybe I’ll write about me,
And this small, little journey,
About writing poetry!’

Ali finished her poem,
And it all seemed to flow from
Her heart; her heart was wholesome.