Real life

I'll make this short, because it has little meaning
Just an innocent girl, trying to work out the reason
I tried hard to fit in, but whats the point?
I'm a lost soul, a hopeless case.

I moved away from Illchester, my friends all went away.
7 years I had known them, but now it's time to say...
moving on is horrid because it was never for the best
I was smart and intelligent, and moving took it away.

I moved to Somerton for less than a year
with dog hairs on the carpet and a faulty light in the conservatory.
We cried together on the stained carpets of the living room
So I explored places like the garage to find....

A piano, with many broken keys, and a lawn mower in pieces
I sat at the piano, on a chair covered in dust, and played
I learned a little tune, that I still remember today,
It was rubbish, but I was only eight, so hey!

I made new friends, one with a mansion.
A zip-wire in the garden, and a giant bath tub for five
I slept there every weekend, she was like a lost sister
But then, we moved again.

Market Draton was hours away, about three
I had to stay at my nans for a week, as it was still being built
I hated the unpacking again, and the smell of freshly painted walls
on my journey to the park, I saw an unfamiliar face, Hayley Bowers

I went to school a week after, and to my surprise
It was Hayley's face I saw again, but with glasses not a chavvy swagger.
Our teacher paired us together so she could show me round,
At lunch and break I stayed and met her gang, they hated me.

I suffered in silence, with all the torments and fights,
It was too much to handle and I couldn't escape
I chose to cut and bleed, inside and out, nobody knew
at least, not until P.E days came, and they saw.

My mum was worried and told me "never again",
I said whatever, then year seven came.
Rachael had moved to my street in year 4, but i shrugged her off
She is now my best friend, my new group.

I felt lonely as Rachael's group of friends argued and Scarlett came crying to me,
I ran to the library and hid, with my music and a piece of paper with a pencil
and i would draw until the lessons started and the bell went.
Pushed in the line, depression hit me hard on the head, and i got a reality check.

What was so perfect with my life, that everyone told me their problems?
my dad was an ass and always beat me up, pinned against the wall by his hand round my neck
I cried again, in my room every day, and my sister Emma noticed, she cuddled me
She said "Life will get better", but it got worse.

Then i met Emily Rogers. When it was nearly time for year 8,
she liked MCR so she was my new best mate, and me and Rach were hanging with her and Jess and Fran
It was hard and cutting was killing me, but it relived the stress until they knew.
I would swear and cry and hit myself, but it did nothing to help.
Emily was my sister, she had to be, she knew who i was inside and out.
Then, bad news from the doctor killed me, literally. Cancer had killed me.
Depression got worse, but i couldnt take the tablets because of the side affects from the cancer.
Emily stuck with me and helped me all the way, Chemo's were soon to follow.

This brings me to where I am today, I still speak to Hayley, my dad left about a month ago.
Emily is my life now, and i wish she was my sister, because i need her as a shoulder, and i am hers. I have a heavy head, of knowledge and help. I help my friends but it is hard because I know things i never should.
♠ ♠ ♠
written on the toilet, but from the heart! XD I actually did write this sat on the loo!