In a Perfect World

In a perfect world he would like me back.
But he doesnt.
In a perfect world i would have more friends.
But i'm not complaining.
In a perfect world i wouldn't be afraid.
And yet i am. Afraid to speak up.
In a perfect world we would have more money.
And yet its not a perfect world.
And i have none of those things.
I'm not complaining.
But it would be noce not to have things be great
and then crumble through my fingertips.
Im tired of constantly having the carpet ripped out from under me.
Tired of always being the strong one.
The one who gets back up
time after time.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm thinking of making the "In a perfect world" parts the intro to a new story. Let me know what you all think plaese