I Told You..

I told you I would hurt you...
I told you I was broken...
I told you I was nothing...
I told you many things,
but you don't seem to listen...

My words hurt,
my bite is worse...
My tears sting,
like the cuts on my wrist..
Yet you don't listen...

My love for you will never die,
yet, I feel like... Nothing..
I worry like hell.
That one day you could get bored,
decide to walk away and never look back.
You tell me your in love,
I told you that I would only hurt you,
Yet you still didn't listen.

I told you once,
I told you twice,
I told you a zillion times..
Over and over again.
Yet, you still don't listen...

So let me be the first to cry my tears, in winters dew.
Have it all crash down.
And let me,
be the first to say...
I told you...