Dont let Them Control you

Youre alone and theres no one to tell you when your angry
All alone no one reminding you of your insecurities
All alone with your own thoughts for once in your life
(They will never own you)
All alone in a strange new world it couldn’t get better
Is this what you’ve been missing for all these years

A stranger amongst the ones who say they know you best
How could they know you if they use your heart against you
I guess its true when they say an apple doesn’t fall to far from its tree
Always trying something new, trying to get some help
A little deeper baby, maybe well float away

All alone with your own thoughts
Without them screaming at you
Without them telling you how much they love you
“Isnt love a funny thing?” she asks

Mother dearest trying to be on her best behavior
Grandma trying to erase the past with green paper
You want to tear it up and burn it down again
They wont let you

All alone in this perfect world
Full of candy hearts and bubble gum
And things , things you only dream of
Pull my hand, Ill chase you around
And afterwards well spin around and fall down dizzy
The sky will stay a pretty blue
And there will be no hidden meaning behind “I love you”

Their voices embedded in your heart
Drink this and you can hide it some more
Just ignore Mommy getting beat once again
Just ignore them while Daddy hits them hard

Miss your Daddy when its finally over
When your Mommy is finally done
Chase it with a bitter pill of rage towards her
Call it love and that’s all they gave you
Then feel bad for the pain that your father caused

Daddys favorite girl, is now feeling sad and blue
Your favorite person is a monster, hes coming after you
Feel relief when you lie and he hits brother instead

Now that you are older you try to say sorry
But older brother never listens
Hes still angry at you
Tell him youd do anything to make him believe you
And watch as he yells at you
“Little girl, it wasn’t your fault, but I still hate you,
Selfish Brat, you need your ass whooped and then no one should love you.”

Watch as hes told to protect you
And despite the things hes yelled that’s what he wants to do
Chase the bullies away and hug you while you cry
But in the back of your mind, you know he’ll never forgive you

Take the pain and swallow it down
Guilt, is what is eating you
Before your even eighteen you are half gone
Mean old Monster has taken your arms and held them hostage
Tell Mommy that you just want to disappear
She gets mad and she yells at you and says, “What the fuck am I
Supposed to do? Its not my fault your father favored you.”

Alone at last, in this amazing world without bull guys
And angry girls
No more insecurities, no more guilt
At least for a while

Candy hearts, bubble gum, the skies are blue
I’ll play tag if you want to
♠ ♠ ♠
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