
Can you see so clearly through me?
Is the truth
Playing in my glossy eyes,
Like a blurry movie,
The things I’ve seen,
All the pain,
The experiences that make me who I am,
Can you see fractured images,
Showing you the things that have been
Reflected in my eyes?
If the world’s such a horrible place,
Why is it so bad
That I want to be free?
I’m sorry,
But I don’t want your help.
I don’t want you to look into my soul,
Don’t want you to examine who I am,
I can’t let you see through me.
Is it the inescapable truth
That I’m transparent,
Not an enigma,
But with walls paper thin,
So you can see through them
Like plastic?
If the world’s such a horrible place,
Why is it so bad
That I want to be free?
I’m sorry,
But I don’t want your help.
I don’t want you to look into my soul,
Don’t want you to examine who I am,
I can’t let you see through me.
Who do you think you are,
To think you've got it all right,
That I need help,
I've got it wrong.
Can I just be me?
Can This glossed over pain
Just be who I am?
What makes your way of living
Better than mine?
Maybe I'm not always perfect,
Maybe I get sad,
And sometimes thoughts get the best of me,
But why is that so bad?
You can see all of the horror in my gaze,
But I don't want your help,
I don't need your help,
I don't need you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys! I wrote these lyrics to a song I wrote.