Where I'm From

Where I’m From

I am from boy scouts, from camping with the boys, and fire starting.

I am from the big, blue house, and fresh cut grass that smells like spring.

I am from the tall trees, the wild flowers growing in the mountain.

I am from the Catholic tradition, loving family, Bob & Carol, Kim and Kristi.

I am from visitation and family trips.

From “Life isn’t fair”, to “Don’t climb that tree.”

I am from a lack of religion and a non-church life.

I am from a hospital and sleep walking grandparents, lasagna and bread sticks.

From the drop-outs, to “Bad boyfriends, or “Bad husbands”.

I am from family cooking, amazing family meetings, and the caring, supporting
arms that will always be open.
♠ ♠ ♠
First poem ever and i wrote it in class, So please don't judge too harshly. :) hope you like it