
Jeni could not be compared to a lonely moon,
Something dry and dead
Just sitting in the middle of the universe


Nor, could she be compared to a close, large sun
Overpowering in its brightness
Pushy and far too noticeable


if Jeni would be any part of the galaxy,
She would be a star

Yes, definably a star

She might not always appear in plain sight,
But she would always be there
All someone had to good was wait just a
Little longer

Then, she would be there

She, would also be quite petite
Not a large,
Overbearing orb of light in the sky,
But a simple,
Tiny spec of lightness

She would sit in the sky,
Most likely forgotten about
Compared to the large stars

But, for the person who did notice her,

Her tiny brightness in the sky,

They would truly,


See and understand the value of that little star,

Of Jeni
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the smiles, thank you for the laughter. And thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it was enjoyable.