A Man of War

Standing here.
Lost in a city.
Buildings peaking to the sky.

Jets fly over top.
Ear shattering sound.
Sending papers through the air.

Tanks rolling down the street.
I stand here, looking in fear.

I stand to the side to let them pass.
The ground is shaking.
Windows are breaking.

Men are jogging behind the tanks.
In eight rows that go on for miles and more.

One walks up to me.
He hands me a gun.

A cold black metal object lies in my palm.
I run along side the tank at the front.

As I go further, I can hear gunfire .
The sound of bullets whizzing through the air.

Landing all around me.
I am so close to death.

Commands being yelled.
Mortars hitting the hills.
Men being killed.

The grass is glistening with their crimson blood.

How long has this war been going on for?
When will it end?
Only time will tell.

But for now I hold this gun.
Taking a life one at a time.

A man of war is who I am.
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this is one that is goin in a comp wish me luck