Catch Me

i'm falling,
faster, the world is spinning,
will you be there to catch me?
think i'm on to a win..

my feet don't touch the ground
crystal glass shattered accross the floor,
my heart, made of glass
easily broken
could life tear apart any more?

cursing as i ask the question
blood boils,
veins pulsing, doing twice the work
what a stupid enquiry, a disastrous result,
heart screaming for help
is all of this my fault?

we don't learn all our lessons in the first day
nor will we have learnt them in the last,
and no one will always be there to cussion your fall
when life's slipping through your fingers this fast

take control,
take hold of what
you think you have left
before the successful ones, they take the lead
and your body slows down. going cold
fighting for breath, one last chance