You're Soaking Through My Skin

"Smile kid."
She stated softly,
With a twist of excitement,
And put her fingers in a form
Of a forbidden shape
To me at least;
A smile

I chose to frown instead,
To her little game.
Perhaps the humor
Came too late
To her at least;
She frowned.

Claiming I'd ruined her fun,
She asked what my
Favorite color was.
I'd said blue, like the sea
And she said she could see
Right through me.

Into this depression ,
I hid this Winter,
In late December
She said,
She had known.

Had known what,
I began to wonder.
Then I asked her what
Was her favorite colour.
A childish game I thought.

Her answer,
Was the same as mine.
But she didn't give
The same excuse.

She opened up to me,
Said she trusted too easily.
And carefully asked,
"Can you be there for me?"

I, of willingness,
Said, "Why yes."
I couldn't see it any other way,
And Hell,
I kinda wanted her to stay.

"But maybe,
if I'd known," She stuttered,
"What i was dealing with,
And hadn't been so ignorant,
You wouldn't be one of my only friends.

She stated this,
To confuse me.
Didn't she see,
how loved she was,
By not only me?

She had a family,
Loving sibling,
And a not-so-sharp
Guy she turned to
When she couldn't sleep.

We walked away
That day though,
With our hearts full of Love,
And our minds refreshed,
Knowing life couldn't end just yet.