
Muse! Muse! Oh what I wouldn't do for a muse!
For what good is a poet without inspiration?
What masterful writings can be pursued?
No lyrics flow forth, oh the frustration!

Muse! Muse! Find me, oh faithful muse!
No masterpeice is created by an artist without motivation!
Oh whoa is me! As I downfall into deep blues!
No worse this can be, a poetic deprivation!

Muse! Muse! You fail me yet once more!
No more reason to reach in desperation!
I shall not turn literature into a chore,
And so I will end with one last quotation.

Muse, my forgotten love,
You have proven to be a source of creation.
Only you are the author of poems undreamed of,
Please hurry back from your too lengthy vacation.

Linda L Wilson