
We're at the bitter-sweet end
With no more graduation plans
The time for us has come
To pick up and carry on
Every friendship made
And characters shaped
All memories will last
Never to be looked past
Sharing hot tears
And our deepest fears
Of whats ahead
Childish ways shed
Now stepping out
Ourselves to be found
Careers to persue
Start fresh, anew
Never will forget
Never will regret
Lessons learned
A little wiser in turn
Stepping out into a world so great
Our reunion all up to God and fate
But here are my wishes for you to take
After our graduation date
I wish you happiness
A good future for all of us
And to always remember
Our years here together
It's our time to shine
All of us, yours and mine
So here's to the class of 2006
Who's friendships will be missed
And each individual will aways be in my heart
Here we come real world, freedom and a new start

Linda L. Wilson