Just Holding On

Do you ever get that feeling where you’re just holding on?
That whatever control you have is paper thin.

You know you’re going to fall. You can feel it,
But you don’t know how hard.

You’ve told yourself that your strong enough that yes you can do this,
But really that little voice is telling you you’re not.

You tell everyone your fine; you tell yourself the same,
But inside your screaming.

You go through the motions of lying in bed, sleeping.
But you spend the night starring at the ceiling.

You eat in front of people, so they don’t get worried,
But at home the smell makes you sick.

You know you’re losing it, you can feel everything shake,
You begin to wonder if all this is worth it.

You replay it all, again and again and again,
Every thought darker than the last.

You know your loosing it; you know you’re going to fall,
But there is shit all you can do about it.

The things making you loose it,
Are things you can't change, things that have no solution.

These things are making you crazy,
But they arn't going anywhere, they are here to stay.

So you hold on with your fingernails,
Even though your losing it,

Because what else is there,
This is your life.