Stop Before You Feel You Are Going To Faint

Searching for hope is
The hardest for me
Often is seems like
People just don't care about me

Bite down on me
Eat my sanity
For I am not worthy
Of even just talking to you
Really I feel this way
Even when you didn't have to say it

Younger I am, the less pain I sense
Over the years the reality hits me
Underneath everyone is just more to see

Fighting out with everybody
Eating next to nothing
Exciting rebel urges
Love to deny more than once at a time

You never notice your life becomes crap
Or you just notice it was shitty all along
Unaware of the beatings you went through

Always tired? You get enough sleep
Really bored? You always have something to do
Energy lost? You eat plenty enough

Get down with all the other freaks
Obscure thoughts pour down
Igniting rage in dozens of cups
Never talking but always the listener
Getting no feeling of respect

Time for the deed to begin
Observing the drips and stains

Finding the balance the most difficult thing to do
As the ringing in my ears silence every other sound
I once heard in the background
Now knowing that I might fall to the ground, I opened
The door and ran to a place where no one can't see