So I thought

You are my rose
My rose you will always be
Your are so beautiful
Beautiful only to me
To me, you are the only rose
The only rose I will cherish
So I thought

I gave you my all and still you pricked me
How could my sacred rose draw blood from me?
You continued to prick me
And my blood continuednto flow
My blood and tears dripped on your delicate petals
And yet you STILL pricked me
But you are my rose
I will never let you go
These scars I will mend
My love I'll continue to give
Because you are my rose
My rose you will always be.
So I thought

Time went by and I left you in a vase
In that vase you stayed with all the other roses
Yet I could still pick you out
Because you were my sacred rose
And deep within my rose you'll always be
But I got tired of being pricked
Sick of mending the scars
I had no more blood or tears I could lend
But you will always be beautiful to me
You will always be, always and forever, the rose I will ever cherish the way I did
And no matter how many other roses I hold sacred
You will be the most important and sacred of them all
You built me up and tore me down
You pricked and pricked and pricked
Yet your roots are embedded in my heart,
And in my heart you will forever stay
I love you my dear rose
But I must say goodbye.
In the vase you must stay
In another woman's house,
Because my heart to you I can no longer supply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Probably the hardest poem Ive written. I've never written a poem relating to nature like this. Constructive criticism please?