everything is moving so fast,
i wish it would all just slow down.
and when i try to take a grasp,
i just fall down.
i'm falling apart,
i'm losing myself.
and no one can help me,
well at least they try.
but all their fail efforts,
only make me cry.
i can't do this,
this thing you call life.
the more i progress through it.
the more i die,
and you don't know this,
because i refuse to show it.
my armor is falling off,
my weak interior is coming into view.
i can't let anyone see this,
no not even you.
my feelings have been drowned,
by the my tears that have rained down.
hurting inside,
wishing to die.
keeping quiet.
i don't want to become hurt.
people can see me,
see me falling weak.
but i will not express these feelings,
i refuse to speak.
why am i crying?
i am supposed to be strong.
finally looking down,
my armor is gone.

-Officially Written on 3|15|2k11
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` Well, I wrote when I was at one of my low points. It's not my first poem, but it's one that kinda stuck out to me when I was choosing a poem to post as my first.