Foresaken Eyes

A created circle , oval .. just the shape ..
Is it blacks.. Blues.. browns greens. yellows.. Purples ..
Or mixed together ..
Becomes the eyes ..
Lays secrets that shall never leave my mind ..
Oh please .. please ,
Never shall you ask ..
These are my foresaken eyes ..
They hide things .. And Cheat and lie sometimes ..
But the big guy forgives ..
He loves me now ..
Loved me then ..
Loves me still and always will .
My eyes where painted with a graceful hand and a stuttered brush .
When they liquidfy .. The colour turns soggy and blue ..
And they feel broken ..
But my minmd tell the sould the heart .. somethings wrong...
When joy starts to become .. i laugh not cry ..
My gracious eyes become bigger brighter a light brown tint of yellow ...
Yep this poem is so sappy ..
But it's just something that make mes happy ..
These are the eyes lakeing and lerking ..
Because there forsaken eyes .. given with gratitude .