
Creeping upon you,
If only you knew,
What was there,
Upon your hair,
The infection lies within it's fangs,
It bites you, then you feel pangs,
Pain upon the very spot,
Where it bit you is very hot.
What was it?
The thing which bit,
A bug of some sort?
A big one, small, tall or short?
Anything which can do this must hurt,
Then you see the spider upon a womens skirt,
You say "watch out" as it begins it's ascent,
She looks down and begins to descent,
Trying to swat it while screaming so loud,
And then you hit it, you must feel so proud,
When the bite suddenly hurts with too much pain,
And you scream aloud and run into the rain,
Two steps is all you take,
When the bite sends you sprawling into the lake,
You drown but very slowly,
And the spiders crawl upon your skin all over, biting you holey.