
you realize
all I am is yours,
But I am not enough.
my soul, heart, mind.
never enough.
"I didn't do it!"
what a lie,
to protect you
from hearing my pain
in the flavor of salt,
in the sound of shuddered sobs.
I trusted you.
I loved you.
You hurt me.
You betrayed me.
"I would never do that!"
but I see it,
I saw it before I knew.
"She reminds me of you."
the thought
crossed my mind well before now.
"We need to talk."
she said to me,
her serious tone catching me.
Little did I know t˙at it would break my heart.
"Emma, I love you!"
how can I trust you?
how can I believe you?
"Prove it to me!"
I scream at you
cuss at you
cry with you.
Choken and broken
tears forever stained
into my sweatshirt.
I still remember
the unkind night
the cold wind
my face burning with the cold
my face burning with tears.
i forgave you
i forgive you.
but I may never trust you.
What is love without trust?
What is love without forgiveness?
In my heart,
a voice is whispering.
"You know you love that fool,
give him a second chance."
"I have no excuse. I will always love you, and I will prove it to you. If this ends, I want you to know that I will love you forever. Oh, I wish you could hate me!"
but i still love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you know that every poem I write is related to my life.
It is my way to....
release my emotions.
It's the cutting of verbal proportions, you could say.
This happened just last night.
I am numb right now.
The hardest thing I've had to do in my life is share these poems with people I don't even know. The thought that someone could be reading these and totally relating to me hurts me. It hurts me because things like these happen in the world everyday, and there is no stopping it.
Well, anyways.
Until next time.
Emma RainbowRain Melius