Detour to hell (Sunday afternoon)

I’m searching for my nirvana
My utopia
My heaven on earth
What I’ve found is a living nightmare clothed in the garb of an angel
The devil within seeps through your exterior
Leaving me broken and bruised
Defeated and disheveled
Left to revel in the anguish you caused
It started off a good day
Then took a turn for the worst
How dare you allow me to chauffeur you and your secret whore around?
And I’m none the wiser
Because all I can see is your outer
The inner hidden so deep behind a perfect smile
“She’s just a friend, she might as well be family”, you say.
Lies upon lies you speak
I’ve never believed a single word you’ve spoken to me since we met
I fucking hate you
But I hate myself even more because I knew the type of person you were
I knew you were an asshole
Just couldn’t bring myself to recognize it
Well the blinders are off my dear
I’ve woken up from this beautiful nightmare
And I see you clearly for who you are…NOBODY
You ain’t shit!
You will never be shit
I hope you’re happy
I hope that you get exactly what you deserve
I hope you and the whore are happy
I don’t even know why this situation bothers me so much
It’s fucked up what you did
It’s sooooo fucked up
I don’t give a damn if the bitch was who you say she was, it’s still fucked up
And I hope that God himself comes down and punishes you for doing it
I’m so hurt by you
I’m so disappointed with you
I’ve never lied to you about anything
I would expect the same from you
But I guess that’s what makes us two different people
You were in my life for a reason
Obviously it was to teach me a lesson about the people I trust
I fucking hate you
Rot in hell!