Just A Tuesday

You better watch what you say this time,
because I've lost you more than once.
You always crawl back, crying,
when your heart's been ripped out by some cunt.
Honey, if you think I'm scared you'll leave,
you have something else coming.
You can scream and hide all you want.
You're just a little boy still running.

I am bitter and angry,
I guess you finally succeeded.
You fucked yourself over, though,
by being so conceited.
Who will put you back together again?
I don't care anymore what you do.
That was the last straw, dearest,
I'm sick of dealing with you.

Tomorrow you won't know why my temper has flared
and I am okay with that.
I don't have to justify anything.
It's my own business where my head's at.
You wanted my walls to come crashing down?
Well, there's nothing left inside.
Take a good look, honey,
I still kept my promise to not lie.

If you love her so much, then go the fuck back.
I don't have the time anymore.
You're miserable without her
and I'm so sick of the back and forth.
Tomorrow people will ask why I'm acting strangely,
and for once, I won't have to lie.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened,
and for once, I'm doing just fine.