
My hair falls down in curls,
I slip on my black lace dress,
Lip gloss shines over my lips,
Perfecting myself—once a mess.

Eye shadow shades over my eyelids,
Earrings dangle with gleaming style,
I slip on elegant high heel shoes,
Sitting back, I put on my crown & wait a while.

I step outside and into the cold,
Looking far past my balcony view,
To where wishing on a star works,
And all of my dreams come true.

Feeling the wind as it swirls in the air,
I close my eyes and spin around,
Then opening them and sinking down,
Crumbling fast to the ground.

Ink spills across all of my letters,
The vivid flowers wilt and die,
Flames in the fire burn my dresses,
The chandelier crashes near where I lie.

Swords clang down by my sides,
Satin pillows are torn and shred,
Thick rain drops on top of me,
My tiara falls off my head.

And then you’re here, beside me,
Holding me in your arms tight,
The rain has suddenly vanished,
A single star shines in the dark night.

I feel your body give off its heat,
You remind me you’ll always be there,
Placing my tiara back on my head,
You don't know-- you are part of the nightmare.