
I'm so sorry I hurt you,
It was all in vain,
I'm such a bitch,
Not to even speak your name. 

Best friends we were,
Lovers what we became,
Friends in public,
Lovers I wanted to remain. 

I hurt you,
How could I?
I'm so fucking selfish,
I can't believe I would do this..

I complain about being alone,
But with you I have everything I need,
A friend,
A hand from which I feed,
I'm not alone..

I'm so sorry I screwed you over,
Anna, if I could take it all back,
Just re-do it all, 
Re-run the track,
Anna, I love you. 

I'm not going to hurt you again,
I'm so sorry best friend,
Anna, you mean so much,
And I just can't afford losing you. 

This isn't even a good fucking poem,
Just words restated,
Words replayed,
I guess that's all I'm good for,
Like a broken record. 

But all I'm trying to say,
Is that I love you,
Anna Rose Kennedy,
I love you so much. 

I broke us up, 
I walked away,
I brought you down,
I turned you gay. <---if you didn't smile at that, I'll kill you. 

I know this can't make up for things I've done,
But I can at least try,
Let's have a re-run. 

Lets be what we were in December,
What we had was so strong,
And honestly,
Let's not move along. 

All I'm trying to say,
Anna Rose Kennedy,
Is I want my best friend back,
And I miss you. 

So take this poem,
Save it,
And when we fight next,
Send it to me.
Restate what I've restated. 

Let me know,
That you still want,
Nothing more,
Than what I said within this tiny ass font.