I Am

I am a beautiful and graceful dancer
I wonder what going to Julliard would be like
I hear the eight counts in the music
I see the choreography I need to learn
I want to be the dancer they can’t take their eyes off of
I am a beautiful and graceful dancer

I imagine myself dancing professionally on stage
I feel the floor leaving my toes as I leap through the air
I touch back to the floor without a sound as I land
I worry that when I land I’ll land wrong and hurt myself
I cry out in joy when I learn a new move
I am a beautiful and graceful dancer

I understand that it takes work to be the best
I say “You can do it! Don’t get frustrated. Keep trying”
I dream that one day I’ll be a professional
I try to make every move I make strong
I hope that one day I’ll live my dream
I am a beautiful and graceful dancer