Seeking Truths

Seeking Truths
by SheaRyhai © 2010

It's not the past, its the truth
running down into my roots.
Help me hold on, remain firm.
Maybe someday they will learn.
Past regrets are all a mess.
Life's not easy I confess.
Where will I go, what shall I do.
None of this is up to you.
Barely free to speak my mind.
Why does truth feel so confined.
With each breath, I hesitate.
Fighting against what could be fate.
Was I wrong, who will decide?
Judging me with blackened pride.
Never guess what they can't see.
Never knowing the real me.
Old is new, but new is lost.
What stands out has been embossed.
Titan's may fall still stories live.
More then gods learn to forgive.