I've Memorized Your Face

I’ve memorized your face.

Tiny freckles all around your nose and cheeks.

Your seductive but fragile expression.

Your gorgeous eyes. If you only knew how they embarrass the stars…

Yes, I’ve memorized your face.

So I can dream about it each and every night.

I’ve memorized your face so I can think about it when I’m weak.

I have your scent all over me, I have captured it inside my body,

So I can take it everywhere with me, so I can feel your presence even if we’re miles apart. So I can feel at home… Yes I have your scent captured.

I’ve memorized your face my beautiful lover, so even If one day we fall apart,

Even If one day we leave eachothers side, and never meet again,

I can remember you, dream about you and miss you.

I love your face. I love those tiny freckles all around your nose and cheeks.

I love Your seductive but fragile expression.

Oh I almost forgot about your gorgeous eyes.

If you only knew how they embarrass the stars…