Another Lament

I'll choke on my words
Than hear your cries
Because truths hurt more
Than well spoken lies

I'm not alone
In my drunken lament
But these words I've said
Are more than meant

You've seen my heart
And broken it too
But I'll still hold you close
As the one that flew

If you read these words
You'll know me not
Because I'm just another
Bloated drunken sot

I care for my language
But not for my meaning
If you've seen me before
The you've seen my kneeling

I'll leave you with
My words of haste
Just know that my mind
Is far from chaste
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll not lie, I was at least drunk when I wrote this. You won't know these meanings, to be honest I doubt I'll be able to garner any sense from this when I read it sober. But right now I don't care, because this is more than being drunk; if I dare say it this is honesty.