
I saw you once,
you were the one.
Until you broke my heart.

This has led to my demise.

But just you wait,
you've had your chance.
You ruined it once.
You ruined it again.

Now it's time for your demise.

I've crushed you once,
I'll do it again.

There is someone different.
Someone new.

Someone who has replaced you.

I hate you now,
you're such a jerk.
How did I "love" you?

And to think,
I thought of forever with you.

Now I realize,
you weren't right.

Right for anyone.

You're a demon,
playing with a girl's feelings like that.

You deserve to die.

I really mean it.
I hate you.

But somehow you still love me.

Well stop.
It's getting old.

I'm done with you.

Get the message,
go back to her.

The one who will give you what you want.
The reason you went out with me was her.

So good bye.
Good riddance.

I wish to never see you again.

And if I do,
be prepared,
because all I have to say to you is beware.