
It didn’t hurt at first.
It never hurts till you see my tears,
You wore a proud smirk.
That was the first thing you did.
You took it a step further though.
You got me down,
To the lowest ground,
Kicked me till I bled out of my mouth,
You glared at me.
I gave a weak smile.
I still have the fight inside of me.
I might be young,
And you might be a ‘mother’,
But you will never take the fight,
Out of me.
I will always,
Be a stronger,
Less horrible person than you,
If you think you’re a good mother,
Than you have a wake up call,
You are an abusive,
Reckless mother,
If you think you can live with the burden of being like this,
You can’t…
You know I will eventually get under your skin,
Dig memories of abuse in your head,
Make you feel horrible,
I will make you lose.
I already did that,
And now look.
You have me scared,
You got me right where you want me,
Take a step back,
Right now.
I’m going to hurt you.
I’m still a kid at heart.
I will defend my father before I ever say something nice to you.
I guess…
You don’t see like me.
You don’t see the wrong in abuse.
You’ve done it verbally too.
Am I just that bad of a child to you?
That you have to lower yourself to abusing me?
I’ll keep my head down,
Mouth shut,
Eyes closed so tears down fall,
As you take punches and kicks,
I’ll smile one last time,
Say ‘I love you, mommy.’,
Make you realize that you just killed your own daughter.
You’ll eventually realize,
That what you’ve done and are doing,
Is killing me….
I thought you would stop, but you will never…
♠ ♠ ♠
This is true. I had to let it out somehow.