July 31, 2005

Dry your eyes, little girl,
Please don't cry.

Everything will be all right,
You just need to pray tonight

For the things you loved and lost,
It all came at such a cost.

She knew what she was doing,
But she had to keep moving,

And the farther from home she got
Meant the harder she would've fought.

Maybe she'll come back one day,
And never again will she leave but stay.

Yes, it's been years
And that's just increased your fears,

But trust the police
Because the search will never cease.

They will find her
Unless they discover what really occurred.

They'd find a body and have a lead,
Then the hearings would proceed.

The verdict will read guilty,
And the defendent will never again be free.

He'll be stuck in a cell with his memories,
The guilt will eat at his bones and meat

Until he's finally had enough,
And write a note to the ones he loves.

Around his neck the rope will have a grip
And over the chair will tip.

A crack from his neck is all there was,
This is what a murder does.

So don't cry, little girl, the deed will be done.
Let's just hope when she was out she had her fun.